Friday, December 4, 2009

Why Is It So Hard This Time?!

Sometimes I feel so trapped, like I just can't stand it anymore. I don't want to hear another screaming, crying, whining kid tell me no. No, I don't want to wear socks when it is 21 degrees outside. No, I don't want to eat the oatmeal that I loved two seconds ago. No, I don't want to use the potty. I want to use the carpet in the bedroom for a litter box. And then, there's the "mommy, mommy, mommy." Day and night. I'm not supposed to leave the room, let alone go to work for a few hours. I know they love me so much, and I love them more than anything or anyone, but often they drive me absolutely hair-pulling, dish-smashing, run away nuts!

Is this normal? Or is it the result of having a second set of kids later in life? I had my first two in my early twenties. Now, I have remarried in my late 30's and had a second set. I don't remember the my older son and daughter getting on my nerves this much. I didn't work part-time then either. I feel so guilty about it all.


  1. Yeah, the push/pulls are so hard. Kids just have no idea. Judah used to love one thing one minute and then absolutely hate it the next. Kaitlin was funny one time. I went to give Judah something to eat one day and he spit it out (when just the day before he loved it). Kaitlin looked at me and said,"MaLea, didn't you know that was so a minute ago." It was so funny because I realized that even a 16 year old could see that a child changes constantly. It made me feel less crazy.

  2. No worries. Just accept the fact that kids are wonderfully willful and parents are driven mad at times. Sanity will return.

    Work or not, no guilt. Loved, secure and disciplined kids are always ok if the parents are mostly sane.

  3. Mostly sane. I love it! I can definitely achieve that. Thank you for the encouraging words.

  4. How about a page for quick and easy..I am too busy to think receipes? Like this one..fresh baked yeast biscuits each morning, 15 minute prep weekly, 5 minutes each morning. Yikes! I can't cut and paste..I will email it. Love ye.
