Saturday, September 19, 2009


Mesa and Reef loves their baths together. They play, they hassle, they torment, and they fight. They dump water all over the floor. They learn about sharing and being nice and sharing space. They wind down and get clean. It's our default when meltdowns loom or diapers and potties fail.

Bathtoys can be anything from lids to containers, spoons and cups from the kitchen, small plastic toys from McDonald's or Sonic or who knows where. Sand buckets. Tea sets. Small floats. It doesn't take much to have fun with water and an expensive line of bathtoys would be a waste of money.

They spash and dump. Laugh and cry. Make bubbles, drink the bathwater, dump water on each other, get into anything within reach that could be an interesting addition to the bath like towels, clothes, Mom and Dad's shampoo, a bar of soap, a left out razor. Sometimes they learn lessons like a bar of soap tastes really bad and burns your eyes. Sometimes I learn lessons like prep before bath is a necessity if I don't want the children to come out bleeding or poisoned or if I want any of our adult toiletries to still exist.

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