Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Motherhood Fantasy

Recently, a friend of mine used the word "serene" when describing motherhood. She longs to be in my shoes (She doesn't realize how big my shoes are! I wear a size 10.5). But, really, when she said it, that word knocked me over in a fit of laughter; meanwhile, my 19-month-old was crawling into the fireplace. I assured her there was nothing serene about motherhood as my 3-year-old started screaming and crying because her chimney sweep brother, dusted in ashes from head to toe, had launched a hostile takeover of her Dora the Explorer trike. Remember not to call it a mere bicycle or tricycle. It must be called a Dora the Explorer tricycle or there will be protests and one will be reprimanded.

Yes, there are moments of serenity--like when they are sleeping, which actually at this moment as I write is being broken by the cries of Reef, my 19-month-old who wakes up in the middle of the night from time to time. Christmas morning was also rather serene. There were new toys everywhere to distract them and chocolate for them to pop into their mouths much faster than I could cook breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. On serenity, I will take what I can get and try to create or facilitate as needed. My twin and i were just talking about this, how as busy moms we forget to enjoy the moments. Its like when there is peace in the home that's when we escape. There's always, always something that can be taken care of. That proverbial load of laundering lurking in the corner - will always be there. NTS: Enjoy these moments as they pass!!
