Saturday, December 5, 2009

My Mission

What is this journal for? To hash out ideas on new societal values for men and women in the family, to shout out to the world that being a mom is tough and such a sacrifice, to say there is more to me than clapping for successful peepees on the potty and cleaning up the endless messes of two adorable toddlers. I love them so dearly. I love my husband and my older children too. But so often I feel as if I'm drowning in all their needs. I don't want to spend all my precious hours mopping floors, washing dishes, making meals, shopping for groceries, picking up toys, cleaning toilets, washing windows, dusting cobwebs from corners, folding clothes, organizing clothes, organizing anything, cleaning anything.

I want to read and write, hike and bike, travel, swim, create, create, create. I want to show them the world, teach them the beauty of life and their abc's. I want to watch movies and attend plays. There is so much more that I want to do with my days.

I want to see humans evolve as a species, expressing genes of altruism, cooperation, consideration.

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