Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lost in the Woods: A New Journey

What is living on the Big Island?

It's the goosebumps I feel when I hear a popping noise, see a glow, and all the lights in the town go out.  It's the bright orange hibiscus flower my daughter dropped in a tall glass. It's the confusion of thinking that my teenage son was rattling windows and slamming doors with his youthful energy and frustration and finding out it was a 4.7 level earthquake. It's knowing that paradise is really a bubbling, volcanic cauldron joining hands with the ring of fire, and that I am living on top of it. It's walking in the bright sunshine and being amazed that the temperature is absolutely perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Adrienne my sister wrote this in response to my little piece . . . It's so great!

    Its the drop in the pit of my stomach when I hear the cash register total my grocery bill. It is the junkyard trio of our three dogs howling Armageddon when another ambulance whizzes by...or a parade. A high five from my 9 year old when she almost made a goal at the weekly soccer game, the crazy happy dance that my son has become famous for in front of the whole marching band which he worships. It is that one night without any sound at all but the clinking chimes of ice in my long awaited bourbon in a house completely alone...just me. The smell of my sweating mare after a long awaited march up the mountain. Paradise...I can define it in many ways. But nothing volcanic except the boiling in my bones...the deep knowing of things to come.
